Welcome to Watermead House


Watermead House


What time is check-in?
Check-in is from 1600 - 2000 hrs
What time is check-out?
Checkout is 1000 hrs
Can I arrange an early check-in or late check-out?
Yes, you can book either option when you complete your booking on our website. Alternatively, your booking confirmation email includes a link to our in-house app that allows you to book these options separately.
How do I pay for my stay?
If you are staying with us for one night, the rate is taken when you make a reservation on our website. This is fully refundable if you cancel 8 days before arrival.
If you are staying with us for more than one night, a deposit of your first night stay will be required when you make a reservation, the balance of your stay will be automatically charged to your card 8 days before your arrival date. You can relax as it is all automatically scheduled and processed for you. Any subsequent cancellations inside of 8 days before arrival are charged only for their first night stay and any balance is fully refunded.
Do you have parking?
Yes, we have our own dedicated car park and all direct reservations are guaranteed a parking space.
I will be arriving early, can I park my car in the car park before I check-in?
You are welcome to park you car and head into town which is a 2 minutes walk to sample the restaurant, bars and cafes.
Can I charge my EV at the hotel?
Yes, we have 2 dedicated EV chargers. The EV chargers  are simple to use and are managed and operated by Voltshare. Please download the Voltshare app from your app store and follow the simple instructions to set up charging. Most people will simply plug in at night and leave overnight to charge. You wake up to a fully charged EV which makes your onward journey stress free.There is no facility to prebook chargers as they are available on a first come first serve basis and require you to use your own charging cable.
Do your room rates include breakfast?
All room rates include breakfast. We have an extensive breakfast menu including daily specials, please check out our sample menu listed on our website. Our extensive breakfast menu offers plenty of choice including vegetarian and vegan.
Breakfast is served 0800 - 0900 midweek and 0830 - 0930 at the weekends. Breakfast can be pre-ordered each day by using the QR code available in your room.
Do you offer the option for an evening meal?
We do not offer evening meal option. As we are positioned on the High Street in Chard, you will find a selection of restaurants, pubs and cafes within a few minutes walk. Our in-house app includes a full list of local restaurants, bars and cafes including directions, Trip Advisor reviews and contact numbers to make reservations. 
Do you have family rooms?
We are an adult only hotel with a maximum occupancy of two people.
Do you allow pets?
Unfortunately due to allergy concerns of our other guests, we do not allow pets (even though we love animals!)

How do I download your in-house app?
Full details of our app is detailed on your confirmation email and available via our QR code in your room upon arrival.

I can not locate my confirmation email, do you have a link I can use for your in-house app for information on restaurants or to book extras?

Yes, drop us a quick email with your reservation details and we will send one straight over to you.

Any other questions just drop us an email at info@watermeadhouse.co.uk or give us a call on 01460 62834